What Are Gig Extras On Fiverr? (Explained)

Whether you’re new to Fiverr or if you’ve been freelancing on the platform for a while, you’ll have come across gig extras. But you may not know what they are or if they’re important to include in your gig.

Gig extras are additional services offered by Fiverr sellers to enhance their basic service package. These extras can range from extra revisions, customized designs, expedited delivery, and more. Depending on the type of service being provided, gig extras may vary in cost and depth of customization.

For example, if a buyer is looking for logo design services, a seller may offer an extra for more revisions, a higher resolution logo file, or additional sizes of the logo. Other examples of gig extras include providing source files, additional revision rounds, creating 3D visuals or animations and adding language translations.

Gig extras can help sellers earn more income by offering value-added services in addition to their basic service package. By purchasing these extras, buyers have the opportunity to customize their order and receive better results within their required budget. Overall, gig extras are designed to add convenience and provide more value for both buyers and sellers on Fiverr.

How To Offer Gig Extras On Fiverr

The 4 steps to offer gig extras on Fiverr are:

  1. Access the ‘Gigs’ tab in your dashboard via the ‘My Business’ dropdown at the top
  2. Select ‘Edit’ from the dropdown of the gig you want to edit
  3. Open up the ‘Pricing’ section
  4. Get started adding some extra features
Fiverr gig extras screen.
You can add gig extras through the main gig editing interface

Tips For Adding Gig Extras

Add Value To The Gig

Brainstorm ideas on what types of gig extras you can offer. Think about what your buyers need and how you can add value to the services you provide. Consider offering extra revisions, customized designs, expedited delivery, source files, 3D visuals or animations, language translations, and other extras that might be relevant to the service you are providing.

See What Others Offer

Research the competition and make sure your prices for these extras are competitive. You want to ensure that your buyers have an incentive to purchase these extras from your services while also taking into account the amount of work needed to fulfill them.

Keep It Clear

Make sure that each item is clearly priced so there’s no confusion when buyers are deciding whether to pay for your gig extras.

Talk About Them In Your Description

Promote your extra services by highlighting them prominently in your gig description. This is a good way to draw attention to them, and it’s also where you can explain them further and suggest what kind of buyer might need each extra.

For example, if you offer expedited delivery as an extra, draw attention to it by saying, “If you’re in a rush, just select the expedited delivery gig extra when placing an order!”

For more Fiverr tips, check out my 60+ page ebook that details everything I’ve learned from making thousands of dollars on the platform

Should You Offer Gig Extras On Fiverr?

Offering gig extras on Fiverr can be a great way to provide more value for customers while also increasing your income. By offering them additional services, buyers have the opportunity to customize their order and receive better results within their required budget.

However, it is important to remember that not everyone will take advantage of these extras. Many people may prefer custom offers or other options outside of what you offer through your basic service package. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it’s worth remembering that not every buyer will even look at your extras.

Does Your Service Need It?

When deciding whether or not to offer gig extras on Fiverr, it’s important to consider the cost and depth of customization associated with each extra service you are considering providing. For example, there’s no point offering expedited delivery on a project that you know will take a minimum amount of time to complete, as you could end up stressed or failing to deliver on time.

And if you’re offering a logo design service, it might not make sense to force the buyer to purchase a gig extra for separate file formats if your competitors offer various file types within their standard pricing.

How To Remove Fiverr Gig Extras

If you want to remove extras from your gig, simply go to the pricing tab within the relevant gig and scroll down. You’ll be able to see which extra services are being offered for that specific gig. Simply uncheck them if you wish to eliminate those add-ons.

It will still be there as an option for you to re-add it if you want to, but as long as you uncheck it, buyers won’t be able to see it.

7 Useful Fiverr Gig Extra Examples

1. Extra Revisions

Offering extra revisions can be a great way to ensure that buyers get the best results possible without needing to purchase additional services (or cancelling the order). It also allows sellers to provide better customer service and encourages customers to come back for future orders.

2. Expedited Delivery

Time-sensitive projects can benefit from an expedited delivery service, allowing buyers to receive their order faster than the regular turnaround time. This is perfect for those who are in a rush or have a tight deadline on their project, as it gives them the assurance that their order will arrive on time.

3. Source Files

Source files are often requested by buyers so they can make changes or modifications to the design later down the line. With this extra service, you can provide the necessary source files along with the delivered work, which adds more value for customers and potentially earns you more money.

However, some clients may expect this to be included in the price, so it may not work for all gigs.

4. User Testing

If you provide web development or app design services, user testing is a great gig extra to offer as it gives buyers insight into how users interact with their products before going live with them. This helps make sure any issues are addressed beforehand and also helps increase customer satisfaction with your product or service in the long run.

This can help minimize the number of revisions required, as you can allow them to test it before you submit it.

5. Multiple Versions

Sometimes customers may need multiple versions of a completed project – whether it’s different sizes, colors, or languages. Offering multiple versions of your completed work allows you to provide more value while also increasing your income from each job you take on!

6. Tutorials & Documentation

For those providing tech-related services such as web development or app development, offering tutorials & documentation as a gig extra can help ensure that buyers know how to use their product after delivery. This can make them more likely to leave a positive review, and it’s always helpful to provide an extra layer of support.

7. SEO Services

SEO (search engine optimization) is essential for any website, and offering SEO services as a gig extra for things like content creation and editing can boost the value of your gig.

Fiverr Gig Multiples Explained

Gig multiples enable buyers to purchase large numbers of the same gig. The issue with this is that, when ordering any specific gig multiple times, it’s all bundled together, and the delivery time remains unchanged.

For example, let’s say your basic gig costs $10 for 500 words delivered in one day. If a buyer purchases 10 multiples of that gig for a total price of $100, you’ll have to deliver 5,000 words in one day!

This is something to be aware of, and while it’ll rarely happen, some buyers may place multiple orders for one gig and not realize it doesn’t alter the delivery time. If this happens, the best course of action is to explain to the buyer that you will only be able to complete one order’s worth of work within that time frame (unless you can do more of course). Most buyers will (hopefully) understand.

Final Thoughts

Offering gig extras on Fiverr is an excellent way to stand out from the competition and add more value for your clients. From source files to extra revisions, and from user testing to SEO, the options are endless! However, not all buyers will use these functions, and many will simply prefer to set up custom offers.  

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