About Freelance Ready

Freelance Ready is a website packed with articles, guides and resources for beginner freelancers that want to make more money on their own terms. 

You’ll find posts on topics like:

  • Freelancing
  • Self-employment
  • Content writing
  • Marketing
  • Website creation
FreelanceReady.com logo.

About Chris Hanna

My name is Chris, and I initially created Freelance Ready (formerly SophicalContent.com) as a platform from which I could offer my freelance writing services, but it has evolved into a blog where I, along with my writing team, share our experiences, along with tips and tricks that we hope will help you on your journey too.

I started the site while I was still at university, and alongside getting my degree in chemistry from the University of Strathclyde, I worked a part-time job and offered freelancing services to clients on Fiverr and other platforms. Once the freelancing income replaced the earnings from my job, I could put full focus on earning money on my own terms!

My main goal with Freelance Ready is to provide beginners in the world of freelancing and general self-employment with the resources I wish I had when I first got started.

The Freelance Ready Team

Picture of Kate Stacey

Kate Stacey

Kate is an Australian freelance writer now based in Europe. She has written articles about succeeding on Fiverr, along with useful freelancing guides covering a range of topics.

Picture of Raquel Santos

Raquel Santos

Raquel is a freelance writer with a knack for technology and a passion for science! She has written articles about Fiverr for beginners as well as useful guides on freelance writing.