Freelance Writing 101

Our freelance writing articles will teach you everything you need to know about making a living as a freelance writer. We’ll give you tips, tricks, book recommendations, and much more to help you turn your words into money.

Browse the guides below to find out what you need to know before you start freelance writing. And find the answers to some of your burning freelance writing questions.

Freelance Writing FAQs Answered

Find the answers to the most common freelance writing questions with these articles:

Latest Freelance Writing 101 Posts

Our beginner freelance writing guides cover topics from creating your portfolio to getting more clients:

The Team Behind These Articles

Chris Hanna

Chris is the creator of Freelance Ready, but he also has 4+ years of experience as a freelance writer

Kate Stacey

Kate is an Australian freelance writer now based in Europe, and she writes about various aspects of freelancing

Raquel Santos

Raquel uses her experience as a freelance writer to tackle a wide range of topics