The Hidden Downsides Of Freelancing (You Need To Know)

A pink neon sign of a downward pointing arrow with text saying The Hidden Downsides Of Freelancing.

Freelancing is an increasingly popular way of working and earning money, but it’s not without its downsides. If you’re considering freelance work, be sure to understand the potential obstacles and disadvantages that come along with it before you take the plunge.

The Downsides Of Freelancing

Limited Job Security

One of the biggest disadvantages of freelancing is the lack of job security. As a freelancer, your income will vary from project to project, and you’ll always be on the lookout for new work. This can make it difficult to plan ahead and prepare for unexpected financial setbacks or emergencies.


  • Ensure you are prepared for this lack of security before you start freelancing
  • Devote enough time to finding new clients
  • Save money in a separate account to tide you over through periods of little work

Lack Of Benefits

Most employers offer benefits such as health insurance, retirement plans, and vacation time to full-time employees. These types of benefits are not usually available to freelancers, which means you may have to pay for them out of pocket if you want them at all.


  • Regularly put money aside to cover these kinds of expenses
  • Set up a private pension and pay into it each month
  • Consider taking out private insurance

No Structure

With traditional jobs, you typically have a set schedule and routine that you can count on. As a freelancer, your work and hours can be unpredictable. You might have to work late nights or weekends in order to meet client deadlines or squeeze in extra projects.


  • Think about whether you’ll be comfortable with this before you start
  • Create your own work schedule and try your best to stick to it
  • Adapt it over time to suit your productivity cycles

Self-Employment Taxes

When you’re employed by someone else, they usually handle the tax for you. As a freelancer, this responsibility falls on your shoulders. This means you need to keep records of your income and expenses and pay your taxes on time on your own.


  • Save money into a separate account each month that you’ll only use to pay your taxes
  • Keep track of your income and expenses
  • Hire an accountant if need be (and if you can afford it)


Working remotely can be isolating and lonely at times, particularly if most of your work involves communicating with clients via email or phone. Depending on the type of freelancing you do, you may also miss out on opportunities to build relationships and network with other professionals in your field.


  • Continue building your client base over time
  • Reach out to people and attend industry networking events
  • Make time for friends and family

The Hidden Benefits Of Freelancing


The flexibility of freelance work is one of the main reasons people choose this path in the first place. With freelancing, you can often pick and choose which projects to take on and when to do them, giving you more control over your daily schedule and lifestyle.

Freedom To Choose Projects

As a freelancer, you’ll have more freedom than ever before when it comes to choosing projects that fit your interests and goals. You won’t be stuck in a job that doesn’t align with your values or passions. You can choose exactly what type of work you want to do, allowing you to use your skills and talents in the way you deem best.

Increased Earning Potential

Freelancers can often charge more for their services than traditional employees, as they’re not subject to hourly or salary caps and don’t have to pay overhead costs like a business owner would. This means that you can potentially earn more than what you would make with a regular job, but you will need to build up your reputation, gain experience, and improve your skills before you can start charging high rates.

Professional Development

As a freelancer, it’s up to you to stay on top of industry trends and develop new skills in order to remain competitive and attractive to potential clients. This ongoing professional development will not only help you stay at the top of your game but also give you an edge in the job market.

While it can be seen as a disadvantage that you need to take this responsibility, it does allow you freedom in the kind of skills you can pick up.

Is Freelancing Right For You?

Freelancing is an increasingly popular career choice for those looking to break away from the traditional 9-to-5 and take more control over their work life. But it’s not right for everyone, so how do you know if freelancing is right for you?

Do You Have The Necessary Skills & Experience?

Freelancers need to be able to market themselves effectively in order to land clients and keep them coming back. They must also be able to provide high quality services consistently. If your current skill set isn’t up to par or if there are certain areas where you lack expertise, consider taking courses or getting additional training before jumping into freelance work full time.

Is Your Financial Situation Stable Enough?

One of the biggest drawbacks of freelancing is that your income can be unpredictable. Some months may bring in a windfall while others may leave your bank account dry. Before making the switch, make sure that your finances are in order and that you have enough savings set aside for at least a few months of living expenses (perhaps even as many as 6 months).

Are You Comfortable With Working Alone?

Freelancers need to be able to stay focused and motivated even when working independently. This means having the discipline to manage your own time and handle administrative tasks like invoicing and bookkeeping. If you prefer being part of a team or find it hard to stay on task without external direction, freelancing may not be the right choice for you.

Can You Handle Client Management?

Successful freelancers often need to wear multiple hats, from account manager to customer service representative. Being able to juggle different roles while providing top-notch service is key, so make sure that you’re ready for the challenge of taking on clients and managing their expectations.

Are You Willing To Invest In Yourself?

Freelancing requires an upfront investment of time and sometimes money in order to get started. This could mean buying the necessary equipment, building a website, or taking courses to develop new skills. If you’re not prepared to put in the effort required to succeed as a freelancer from the start, it may be best to stick with a more traditional job.

Final Thoughts

While there are some hidden downsides to freelancing as a career, there are also many benefits to take advantage of! Before you make the plunge, ask yourself the questions I discussed above to consider whether freelancing is the right choice for you.

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