How To Build A Notion Freelancer Dashboard

Notion is a powerful all-in-one productivity tool that can help you manage your freelance projects, clients, and tasks in one central dashboard. With its customizable interface and flexible features, Notion is the perfect platform to create your very own freelancer dashboard.

In this article, I’ll walk you through the steps to build your own Notion freelancer dashboard from scratch, allowing you to stay on top of your work and boost your productivity. I’ll also provide links to some Notion freelance dashboard templates if you don’t want to make one yourself.

What Is A Notion Freelancer Dashboard?

You can think of your Notion freelancer dashboard as your command center, where you can track your projects, clients, deadlines, and other important details. You can design it in any way you want, adding almost endless functionality.

It can serve as your:

  • Project management tool
  • Time tracker
  • Client relationship manager (CRM)
  • Portfolio
  • Financial tracker

It can also do a whole lot more. To get started creating your freelancer dashboard in Notion, create a new page within your workspace and give it a clear and descriptive title like “Freelancer Dashboard” (creative I know!). This will serve as the main hub where you can navigate through different sections and access the information you need easily.

Organizing Your Freelance Dashboard In Notion

Now that you have your freelancer dashboard page, it’s time to start organizing it. Consider the key elements that are crucial for your freelance workflow and create separate sections for each.

For example, you might want to have sections for:

  • Ongoing projects
  • Upcoming deadlines
  • Client information
  • Financials
  • Tools
  • Resources
  • Past projects

You can use Notion’s database feature to create tables or lists within each section to keep everything structured and visually appealing (I find the table database view to be the most useful and versatile).

While it’s easy to get overwhelmed with Notion (it’s a very powerful tool), starting with a fairly simple dashboard is pretty straightforward. As you find new things to include you can evolve your Notion freelancer dashboard into your centralized hub for managing your freelance business.

You’ll be able to access all the relevant information, track your progress, and stay on top of your deadlines effortlessly! But what should you ensure you include in your Notion freelancer dashboard?

Things To Include In Your Notion Freelancer Dashboard

Project Tracker

Create a section where you can keep track of all your ongoing projects. Include columns for project names, client names, deadlines, and current status. You can also add additional fields like project descriptions, project budgets, and any important notes or updates.

This will give you a bird’s-eye view of your workload and ensure that no project slips through the cracks.

Task Management

Break down each project into specific tasks and create a dedicated section for task management. Use a checklist format to outline the individual steps required to complete each task. You can do this with a page for each task, and you can create templates for different types of task.

This way you can quickly assign due dates, prioritize tasks, and mark them as complete as you progress. You can then easily monitor your progress and ensure that you meet your deadlines.

Client Database

Maintain a comprehensive client database where you can store all relevant information about your clients. Include fields such as client names, contact details, project history, and any specific preferences or instructions.

Having all this information readily available will enable you to provide personalized service and easily reference past projects when needed.

Financial Tracker

Keep track of your finances by including a financial tracker section in your freelance dashboard in Notion. This can include columns for invoicing, payments received, outstanding payments, and project budgets.

You can also add formulas to automatically calculate totals and provide an overview of your earnings. By staying on top of your finances within your dashboard, you can ensure timely invoicing and payment tracking.

Time Tracking

If you bill your clients based on hourly rates or track your time for productivity purposes, consider incorporating a time tracking feature in your freelancer dashboard. Notion provides various time tracking templates that you can customize to fit your needs, and there are lots of user-generated templates out there too.

Track your time spent on different projects or tasks, set timers, and analyze your productivity patterns to optimize your workflow.

Resource Library

Create a section where you can store and organize resources relevant to your freelance work. This could include articles, guides, templates, or any other reference materials that you frequently use (or might use in the future).

Having a centralized resource library within your dashboard will save you time searching for information and provide easy access to valuable information and tools.

These are just a few suggestions to get you started. Feel free to tailor your Notion freelancer dashboard to suit your specific needs and workflow. The beauty of Notion lies in its flexibility, allowing you to customize and adapt your dashboard as your freelancing business evolves.

Experiment with different sections, layouts, and features to find what works best for you. Don’t be afraid to get rid of parts you realize you never use. I regularly purge my Notion dashboard to keep it decluttered. But should you create your own, or go for one of the many Notion freelancer dashboard templates out there?

Notion Freelancer Dashboard Templates

When it comes to creating your Notion freelancer dashboard, you have two options: building it from scratch or purchasing a pre-made template. Both approaches have their pros and cons, so let’s take a closer look to help you make an informed decision.

Building Your Own

Building your own freelancer dashboard gives you complete control over its design and functionality. You can tailor it specifically to your needs, ensuring that every aspect aligns with your workflow.

This option allows for maximum customization and flexibility. By starting from a blank canvas, you have the freedom to experiment, iterate, and refine your dashboard over time. Building your own also provides a deeper understanding of Notion’s features and empowers you to fully utilize the platform’s capabilities.

However, building a dashboard from scratch requires time and effort. It can be a complex process, especially if you’re new to Notion or have limited design and organization skills. You’ll need to invest time into researching and planning the layout, determining the optimal structure, and setting up the various sections and databases.

Plus, troubleshooting and iterating on your dashboard as you discover new needs or encounter challenges can be time-consuming.

Using Freelancer Dashboard Templates

On the other hand, purchasing a pre-made template offers a shortcut to getting your freelancer dashboard up and running quickly. Many talented creators have developed Notion templates specifically for freelancers, encompassing a range of designs and functionalities.

These templates often come with ready-to-use sections, pre-configured databases, and visually appealing layouts. By purchasing a template, you save time and can leverage the expertise of others who have already thought through the design and organization aspects.

However, keep in mind that templates may not align perfectly with your needs out of the box. You may still need to make adjustments and modifications to fit your specific workflows and preferences. Plus, some of the best templates may come with a cost, so factor in the financial aspect when making your decision.

Ultimately, the choice between building your own Notion freelancer dashboard or buying a template depends on your priorities, skills, and time availability. If you enjoy the process of customization, have specific requirements, and want complete control over your dashboard’s design, building from scratch may be the right choice for you.

On the other hand, if you value speed, convenience, and the guidance of pre-designed layouts, and if you have a bit of spare cash, purchasing a template can jumpstart your productivity journey. Whichever option you choose, the goal remains the same: to create a freelancer dashboard that enhances your organization, efficiency, and overall success!

For more tips on getting the most out of the app, check out my guide to using Notion as a freelancer.

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