Activating & Pausing Fiverr Gigs (What You Should Know)

Activating and pausing gigs is something I have done a lot in my time on the Fiverr platform. Activating and pausing gigs allows you to focus on the gigs that are most profitable while also giving yourself time off when needed.

Below, I’ll provide the steps to pause and activate your Fiverr gigs, while also giving some detail on when you might want to do so.

Let’s start with pausing active gigs.

How To Tell If Your Fiverr Gig Is Active

You can tell if your Fiverr gig is active by going to the ‘Gigs’ section of the ‘My Business’ dropdown menu at the top. You will then see all active gigs under the ‘Active’ section of this page, and all paused gigs will be under the ‘Paused’ section.

Fiverr active gigs screen showing that there are 2 active gigs.
You will see all your active gigs on the main gigs screen on Fiverr

How To Pause Fiverr Gigs

The steps to pause your Fiverr gig are:

  1. Go to the ‘My Business’ dropdown at the top
  2. Select ‘Gigs’
  3. Select the gig you want to pause from the ‘Active’ menu
  4. Click the dropdown arrow on the right of that gig
  5. Select ‘Pause’

When you pause a gig, no one will be able to see or purchase that particular service until you activate it again. It’s important to note that pausing gigs does not delete them. They are simply hidden from potential buyers until they are activated once more. This won’t affect any active orders you have open for that gig.

How To Activate Fiverr Gigs

The steps to activate paused Fiverr gigs are:

  1. Go to the ‘My Business’ dropdown at the top
  2. Select ‘Gigs’
  3. Select the gig you want to activate from the ‘Paused’ menu
  4. Click the dropdown arrow on the right of that gig
  5. Select ‘Activate’
Fiverr gig screen showing the option to activate a paused gig.
You can see the option to activate the gig at the bottom right

Activating a Fiverr Gig will make it visible and available for purchase again. Activating gigs is quick and easy, so you can switch back and forth between your active gigs as often as needed in order to stay on top of your gigs.

Next, let’s take a quick look at what the other options mean under your Fiverr gig.

What Does Pending Approval Mean On Fiverr Gigs?

Pending Approval means that Fiverr is in the process of approving your gig. This can take anywhere from a few minutes up to 48 hours, depending on how busy they are with other gigs. Once approved, your gig will become active and ready for purchase!

What Does Requires Modification Mean On Fiverr Gigs?

Requires Modification means that Fiverr has notified you that your gig needs to be modified before it can be approved. This could mean any number of things, from needing to add more details or descriptions, to changing the wording in order to be up to date with Fiverr’s Terms of Service. You will need to make these changes before your gig can become active and visible to buyers.

What Does Draft Mean On Fiverr Gigs?

Draft means that your gig is not yet ready for purchase. This could mean that you haven’t finished adding all the details, or it could mean that Fiverr has notified you of something that needs to be changed before your gig can become active.

What Does Denied Mean On Fiverr Gigs?

Denied means that Fiverr has declined your gig. This could be because it doesn’t meet their Terms of Service, or it could be because they feel it won’t provide a good experience for buyers. If this happens, you can submit the same gig again after making the necessary changes to ensure it meets Fiverr’s guidelines.

If you need more guidance on all things Fiverr, I have a 60+ page ebook where I unveil everything I know about the platform!

Final Thoughts

Activating and pausing your Fiverr gigs is an important part of managing things on the platform. You can end up with lots of gigs at one time as a freelancer, and pausing them from time to time can give you a much needed break or allow you to focus on the ones that work best without deleting the ones that aren’t performing.

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