How To Make Money On Fiverr – The Ultimate Actionable Guide

Making money on Fiverr is an easy way to supplement your income and start getting paid for providing services. It’s a great platform to get started with freelancing and make some extra cash.

It’s how I became a freelancer, so I thought I’d share my thoughts on how you can start making money on Fiverr.

In this article, I’ll discuss how much you can earn freelancing on Fiverr, how to choose what to sell, what the best gigs are, and much more.

Can You Make Money With Fiverr As A Freelancer?

You can definitely make money with Fiverr as a freelancer. There are many people who have successfully started their own businesses and made a decent living off of the platform. All you need is to find out what services you can offer that will add value to potential customers and then get started!

It will require effort of course, so don’t expect to become a millionaire overnight! But I found enough success on the platform within 3 months to be able to quit my part time job, so it’s definitely a viable solution for beginner freelancers.

You can learn all about my Fiverr journey and how I did that in my 60+ page ebook. I also provide guidance and tips for beginner freelancers on the platform.

How Much Can You Earn On Fiverr?

How much you can earn on Fiverr really depends on how much effort and time you invest into your services. It’s possible to make anywhere from $100 to $10,000 per month (or more) depending on how successful your gigs are and how much work you put in to market yourself properly.

As a beginner, you can expect to charge anywhere from $5 to $20 per gig, but really it will vary depending on the services you offer. For example, if you provide logo design, $5-$15 per basic logo isn’t too hard to imagine. But as a writer, you might want to charge a rate of $0.05 per word, which means a 1000-word gig would need to cost closer to $50.

There are a wide range of services that you can offer on Fiverr. These include graphic design, writing, translation, web development, video editing, SEO and much more. It’s important to choose the ones that you have experience with so that you can offer quality services and easily market yourself.

How To Choose What To Sell On Fiverr

Choosing the right services to offer on Fiverr is key. It’s important to take time and research the market before you start offering your services so that you can stand out from other sellers and make sure that potential customers will actually be interested in what you have to offer. This guide will provide some tips on how to choose what services to sell on Fiverr, so that you can maximize your earnings and get started as a freelancer.

Fiverr categories screen showing the wide variety of options under the graphics and design tab.
You can offer pretty much any service imaginable on Fiverr!

What Skills Do You Have?

The first step is understanding your own skillset and figuring out which of your areas of expertise are best suited for Fiverr gigs. Think about what kind of services people would be willing to pay for, then think about any special skills or knowledge you possess that may help with this process.

Is There Demand For These Skills?

You should also consider whether there’s enough demand in the marketplace for the type of service or product you plan on offering – if not, it’s unlikely that people will buy it. There can be a lot of demand out there, but also lots of competition. You need to offer something that people want to pay for, but you also need to be able to differentiate yourself from the other freelancers on the platform. 

What Are The Best Fiverr Gigs?

With so many different options available, it can be difficult to decide which Fiverr gigs are the best ones to invest your time into. Fortunately, there are some key points that you should consider when choosing which gigs will be most beneficial for you and bring in the highest return on investment.

The first step is understanding what type of gig would suit your skillset best. There are hundreds of categories on Fiverr, so it’s important to narrow down your search by looking at what type of service people may be willing to pay for and then considering any special knowledge or abilities that you possess which could help with this process. Use my tips above for this.

Some examples of high-paying Fiverr gigs include:

  • Web design and development
  • Copywriting
  • Video editing
  • SEO services
  • Logo and other graphic design
  • Programming
  • AI services

It Takes A Lot Of Work

It’s important to keep in mind that success on Fiverr is determined by a variety of factors, and you can’t just choose a ‘winning’ gig category and start making money right away. You need to ensure that your gigs are priced appropriately and offer value for money, as well as have great customer service so people come back for repeat orders.

How To Start Selling On Fiverr

The first step in starting a successful business on Fiverr is creating an attractive profile page. Your profile should be professional and include information about yourself as well as any qualifications or experience that might be relevant to potential buyers (the key word here is ‘relevant’).

You should also include examples of past work if possible, as this will give people an idea of what they can expect from your services, which can help convince them to purchase your gigs.

Once your profile page is set up, it’s time to create gigs. These are essentially packages or bundles where buyers pay for one of your services. When creating each gig, make sure that the description clearly outlines what buyers get when they purchase it, so they know exactly what they’re paying for.

Setting Up Your Gigs For Success

It’s important to create a detailed gig description so that potential customers understand exactly what they’ll get if they purchase your service.

Be sure to include any relevant information about yourself such as qualifications and experience, as this can help convince buyers that your services are worth investing in. You should also consider adding a portfolio of past work to your profile, as this will show people what you’re capable of and help set you apart from other sellers.

Be sure to market your services effectively. Posting on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter (now X), and Instagram can help you reach a larger audience and create more opportunities for sales. You could also invest in pay-per-click ads or join relevant forums or groups so that potential customers see your gigs and get an understanding of the type of service you offer (but you must do so in line with Fiverr’s terms of service).

Provide A Good Experience For Clients

Finally, when it comes to running a successful freelance business on Fiverr, customer service is key. If people are happy with the results of their orders and feel like they’ve received value for their money, they’ll be more likely to purchase from you again and even recommend you to others.

Make sure that you always respond to inquiries promptly and provide support throughout the entire process. This will help you build up a positive reputation, which can only benefit your business in the long run.

15 Services You Could Sell On Fiverr

1. Writing Services

Offering writing services on Fiverr is a great way to make money, as many people need help with creating content for their websites or online stores. This is how I got started! You can learn more about this career in our guide to what freelance writing involves.

2. Logo Design

People are always looking for a professional logo design to give their business the perfect look and feel. This can be an easy service to offer on Fiverr, as logos don’t take long to create but can often command high prices. You will of course need some graphic design skills to offer this service.

3. Social Media Management

Many businesses are now outsourcing their social media management needs, which makes it easier than ever to make money by offering these services on Fiverr.

4. Graphic Design

Whether you’re crafting web banners or creating designs for t-shirts, graphic design is an in-demand service that can earn you very good money on Fiverr. For more info on this, check out our guide to becoming a freelance graphic designer.

5. Video Editing

With video becoming increasingly popular across all platforms, there’s plenty of demand for video editing work.

6. SEO Consultancy

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) consultancy is something that every online business needs in some capacity, as it can help improve their online visibility and generate more leads. Therefore, this could be a great service to offer on Fiverr for those with the necessary experience and knowledge.

7. Music Production

If you are a talented musician or producer, you can make decent money offering music production services on Fiverr!

8. Voice-Overs

Looking to make use of your vocal skills? Voice-over services are is growing in popularity on Fiverr, so if you have a podcast-ready voice then you could easily get started creating gigs in this industry.

9. Digital Marketing

With digital marketing becoming increasingly important for businesses, it can be a great way to make money on Fiverr. From creating campaigns and managing social media accounts, to designing webpages and setting up email automation sequences, there are plenty of opportunities here!

Find out if it’s the right choice for you in our guide on how to become a freelance digital marketer.

10. Translation Services

Translating content is a constantly in-demand service that could help you start earning money on Fiverr. Clearly this will only be a good choice for those that can speak multiple languages.

11. Virtual Assistant Services

Many businesses are now starting to outsource more of their administrative tasks more than ever before. VA services can include everything from data entry to accounting, so there are lots of high-paying opportunities here that don’t always require lots of experience or specific knowledge.

12. Content Marketing

Content marketing is an invaluable way to reach potential customers and build brand awareness. If you can write good content, this could be a viable gig for you.

13. Programming/Coding Services

There’s plenty of demand for programming and coding work on Fiverr. These jobs often pay well too, as the knowledge required is very specific.

14. Mobile App Development

As more businesses are starting to use mobile apps, there’s growing demand for developers who are capable of creating them. Like programming in general, these gigs can pay very well.

15. Web Design

Finally, web design and development is another digital-age necessity for many businesses. If you know your way around WordPress or specific programming languages, this can be a very lucrative industry.

Tips For Making More Money With Fiverr

Offer Package Deals

Offering package deals that combine multiple services together is a great way to boost sales and make more money on Fiverr. This can be particularly effective for services that involve multiple elements, and you can combine things like writing and SEO, or video editing and audio production.

Price Competitively

Pricing your gigs too high could limit the number of potential customers, but pricing them too low might not offer you enough money to make it a viable income stream. You should aim to find a balance where you’re offering good value for money while still making a decent profit from each order.

Promote Yourself Outside Of Fiverr

While Fiverr is an excellent platform for selling your services, it can be beneficial to promote your gigs elsewhere as well. You can do this by creating content, networking with other freelancers, and promoting your gigs on social media, whether it be Facebook or even on Instagram.

Ask For Feedback

Asking buyers for feedback is another great way to make more money on Fiverr. This will help you gain more exposure and credibility which could result in more sales in the future. Reviews are essential if you want to grow on the platform. Never ask for positive feedback, but instead just ask clients if they’d be able to leave a review.

Create Extras

Creating additional services related to each gig (known as gig extras) gives buyers the opportunity to enhance their purchase and make it even more valuable. Not all buyers will use this function though, and it’s best to also provide custom offers so you can tailor your service to their specific needs.

Provide Excellent Service

Finally, one of the main keys to making money on Fiverr is providing great customer service. Being professional, friendly, and helpful when dealing with clients is essential for ensuring that people are happy with their orders. This will also make them more likely to come back in the future.

5 Alternatives To Fiverr For Making Money

1. Upwork

Upwork is a freelancing platform where you can find work in a variety of fields such as web development, graphic design, digital marketing, and translation services. The platform charges a fee for each job you take on, but many workers have found success by finding consistent gigs here. Upwork and Fiverr are two of the most popular freelancing marketplaces out there.

2. Toptal

Toptal is another popular freelance platform that focuses specifically on software engineers and other high-level technical roles. The process to get accepted is quite rigorous, but it’s worth the effort if you want to earn more money than what Fiverr offers in many cases.

3. Guru

Guru primarily caters to businesses looking for remote workers and professionals who are willing to pass through the site’s vetting process. It’s a great platform for finding long-term jobs and establishing yourself as an independent contractor, but it’s not as large a platform as Fiverr.

4. Freelancer

Freelancer is another popular freelancing site that has a wide range of categories such as writing, web development, design, data entry, and software engineering. You can search through the job postings and bid on ones that match your skillset or create your own profile to attract potential clients.

We’ve compared Fiverr to Freelancer in another post.

5. PeoplePerHour

PeoplePerHour specializes in connecting skilled individuals with businesses who are looking to outsource specific tasks or projects. The platform offers many options for setting up payment agreements and even provides virtual assistant services for those looking to save time.

We’ve also compared Fiverr to PeoplePerHour.

Final Thoughts

Making money on Fiverr can be a great way to supplement your income or even start a full-time business. However, it’s important to remember that becoming successful on Fiverr takes hard work and dedication. By taking the time to research different services and market yourself effectively, you’ll be able to find more gigs and potentially make more money with Fiverr!

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