How To Become A Freelancer On Fiverr (Plus 6 Tips For Success)

Becoming a freelancer on Fiverr is a great way to start your freelancing career. However, it can be quite daunting, and you may be wondering if the platform is right for you if you don’t have any experience yet. That’s why I’m here to share my top tips for becoming a freelancer on Fiverr!

To become a freelancer on Fiverr, you need to:

  1. Create an account
  2. Choose what you’re going to sell
  3. Optimize your gigs
  4. Provide value for your clients

It’s as simple as that! But there are several things to think about before signing up with Fiverr. In this article, I’ll go over the most important aspects of how to get started, plus some great tips to help you succeed on the platform.

Editor’s Note: Chris here! I started my freelancing career on Fiverr, and I just wanted to add that here to say that it’s definitely a viable way to enter the world of self-employment! However, it’s worth checking out our article on becoming a freelancer to learn about some other options.

How Do You Become A Freelancer On Fiverr?

Fiverr is very user-friendly, so it’s quick and easy to create an account. You simply sign up as you would for any other website, via Fiverr’s homepage. You can then create gigs for each service you offer. As a beginner, Fiverr will let you create and set your prices for up to 7 gigs. You can add more by increasing your seller level – more on that shortly!

Then, you’ll set up a profile to display your gigs, experience, expertise, and skills. Over time, your profile will also include your clients’ reviews. Your profile can also tell potential clients more about you, including any certificates or qualifications you have, and any Fiverr skill tests you’ve taken.

But before I dive into my top tips for becoming a freelancer on Fiverr, let’s go through a few common beginner questions about the platform.

Does It Cost To Be A Freelancer On Fiverr?

It doesn’t cost anything to be a freelancer on Fiverr. Fiverr does take a cut of 20% of the price of every gig, but you’ll only be charged on completed orders. There are no monthly fees to pay when you’re a freelancer on Fiverr.

It’s worth noting that it’s also free to become a buyer on Fiverr too. But as with sellers, there are some fees to be aware of. You can learn more about these using our handy Fiverr fee calculator.

Can A Beginner Work On Fiverr?

A beginner can work on fiverr, and in fact it’s the ideal platform for freelancers to get their first clients. It’s easy to set up an account and begin creating gigs for buyers. However, it does take hard work and time to get clients, which means it’s not always the fastest way to get clients as an absolute beginner freelancer.

You should not expect to start making money overnight on Fiverr. It takes a lot of patience, and you’ll need to keep optimizing your gigs to learn what does and does not work on the platform.

Do You Need Experience To Become A Freelancer On Fiverr?

You don’t need experience to become a freelancer on Fiverr – at least not any formal freelancing experience. You will need experience in the skills you plan to sell as gigs though! You need to be able to offer high-quality services to clients, but you don’t need any experience working with clients to start freelancing on Fiverr.

Is It Easy To Freelance On Fiverr?

It is easy to freelance on Fiverr, but it’s not necessarily easy to make a full-time income from the platform. You can set up a Fiverr account for free very easily, and making gigs is fairly straightforward too. But you will need to put in hard work in order to be successful on the platform.

Once you’ve set up your account and profile, there are several other things you can do to maximize your success on Fiverr.

6 Tips To Start Freelancing On Fiverr

1. Maximize Your Gigs

When you first set up your account, Fiverr lets you create up to 7 different gigs. So, for example, if you want to offer freelance writing services and you like writing about science and personal finance, you could create a different gig for both niches.

This also works for writing styles. If you have experience writing blog posts, but can also write sales copy, offer these as separate skills by creating different gigs. This helps clients to easily understand what you’re offering just by looking at the gig title. Having several gigs also boosts your exposure, increasing your chances of getting more orders.

If you offer graphic design services, or something more specific like logo design, you could create gigs for different target markets. For example, you could have gigs as follows:

  • I will create a logo for your new business
  • I will design a logo for your website
  • I will provide a logo for your YouTube channel

2. Pay Attention To Feedback

Once you start getting some orders, make sure you always pay attention to the feedback clients give you. There’s nothing more crucial for your success as a freelancer than the ability to learn and grow from constructive criticism.

As you progress in your career, you want to evolve. If you’re a freelance writer, for example (like I am), continually practice your writing, grammar, and typing skills. Improve your marketing strategies, learn SEO techniques, and build on your relationships with clients. The possibilities for growth are endless!

3. Understand The Level System

Fiverr uses a levelling system for freelancers. As you reach certain milestones and move up a level, Fiverr gives you access to more benefits.

There are four levels in total – New Seller, Level 1 Seller, Level 2 Seller, and Top Rated Seller. To progress to the next level, you need to meet the requirements. These may involve completing a specific number of orders, earning a certain amount of money, or maintaining a specific rating over 60 days.

Each Fiverr level gives you specific benefits. For example, you can create more gigs, add more extras per gig (and charge more for them), create more expensive custom offers, and have your money ready for withdrawal sooner. Plus, buyers can also filter search results by seller level, meaning you can appear as more experienced the further up the seller ladder you go.

Note: There is another ‘grade’ of seller called Fiverr Pro. However, this only applies to specific gigs, rather than to your entire account. You can learn more about it in our guide to Fiverr Pro.

4. Learn How To Sell Yourself

Your profile needs to persuade clients that you’re the right freelancer for the job. So, you need to learn how to sell yourself effectively. You need to show the client what you can do for them, how you can make their job easier, and why they should work with you.

By equipping yourself with some basic marketing skills, and producing high-quality work, clients will keep coming back to you!

5. Offer Competitive Pricing and Packages

Starting on Fiverr can be competitive, so it’s essential to set a competitive price without underselling your skills. Research similar gigs in your category to gauge the average rate, and in particular check sellers at the same level as you.

As you gain more reviews and build your reputation, you can gradually increase your prices to reflect the value and expertise you bring to the table.

6. Promote Your Gigs Outside Fiverr

While Fiverr is a great platform for gaining exposure, you don’t need to rely solely on its internal traffic. Share your gigs on social media, start a blog or YouTube channel related to your expertise, or simply reach out to people you know to see if anyone is in need of your services.

By creating a brand for yourself outside of Fiverr, you’re not only increasing your chances of getting more clients, but also establishing yourself as an expert in your field. But how do you know if Fiverr is the right place to start your freelancing career?

Should You Use Fiverr To Start Your Freelance Career?

It’s easy to start freelancing on Fiverr. But it’s a different thing to succeed on the platform! Before you become a freelancer on Fiverr, it’s worth considering a few points including:

  • The amount of time you can devote to your work and clients
  • The skills and services you offer
  • The rates you intend to charge

Your Time

Many beginners start freelancing as a side-hustle alongside full-time or part-time employment. So, there’s a limit to the amount of time they can spend on their freelance work. When becoming a freelancer on Fiverr, be realistic about how much time you can spend on it and the time you need to produce quality work.

It’s easy to take on more jobs than you have time for. If you’re not mindful of your time, you’ll be at risk of burning out and losing the passion that led you to start your freelancing journey in the first place. Rushing through a high volume of jobs can also impact the quality of your work.

So, consider what you can realistically take on, for both your own sake and your clients’ sakes too!

Your Skills

Fiverr has over 500 different categories of freelancing skills and over 800,000 freelancers offering their services on the website. So, what can you bring to the table?

Before you start freelancing on Fiverr, think seriously about what you can offer your clients. It’s especially important to think about what makes you stand out from the competition.

If you’re still to decide on a niche, do some research to find out what the most profitable freelancing niches are. These areas are always in demand and, as a beginner, you may be able to attract clients more easily by offering competitive prices.

Your Worth

The beauty of Fiverr is that there’s no minimum amount of experience required. So, you can start on the platform without any previous experience at all!

There’s nothing stopping you from joining Fiverr!

But you need to evaluate your skills and experience to ensure you charge fair prices. Fiverr allows you to set prices as low as $5, but that doesn’t mean that every beginner freelancer should start their offers at that price. Understand your product or service and how much clients are willing to pay for it. And always check how much your competition is charging too.

Once you’ve thought about the amount of time you have, what skills you can offer, and what you can charge for them, it’s time to start freelancing on Fiverr!

Will You Become A Fiverr Freelancer?

Fiverr is a great place for freelancers to start offering services. But before becoming a freelancer on Fiverr, it’s important to know how much time you have to dedicate to your new clients, what skills you have to offer, and how much you should be charging for them.

By taking advantage of the website’s features, remaining patient, and paying attention to feedback, you can become a successful freelancer on Fiverr! Learn more about the platform in our ultimate Fiverr guide.

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